Lupe plak, pd sape2 yg xtau DN tu ape ..DN adalah delivery notes dtg dr gateway celcom, celcom akan anta success or not utk mobile no transaction pd CP(kitela..) gateway..if tak success, celcom will try again to attempt to customer no within 24hours..... eg: customer nk dload Wallpaper ..cth customer send WALL to 3xxxx...telco will cek ade duit ke tak..kalo ade, direct p CP apps, kalo xde, within 24hours celcom akan cek whether customer dh topup lom, kalo dh, telco akan anta success pd CP gateway, then CP application akan sent out MT yg sepatotnye...if lom topup, diam jelaaaaaa fon tuu......or telco akan ckp 'ko xckop duit arrr'....haa cmtuhla kot....DN penting gakla utk kurangkn variance between CP report & Telco report...isshkk..boring ekk cite aku??
Akak manes, arini julap bwk speghetti tp bkn utk lebuhraya & tanjung..utk 3 anak2 buah kami ni...ishhkkkk!! jahat tau julap!! smlm aku bg die rase lauk kari ayam cap O aku cm ngukit lak aku nie..tak..tak..tak..saje ngade..
smlm aku test2 fon farah, soh lebuhraye ajar skill die..sbb farah lantik aku jd camerawoman ahad ni for her engagement ceremony...sengaall btol laaa..aku ni dh la xbertauliah..bile aku soh cr photographer die xmo plakk..die juz nk gmbr bise2 jerk...check it out! 1st cubaan :